100% HRDC Claimable

Are you ready to elevate your skills in Operating System Essentials ?

10 - 14 June 2024 | AC Hotel Marriott Penang

HRDC, Timmins training

Registration Closes on 4 June 2024

Who is this course for?

This course is for professionals and students aiming to master operating system essentials. It's designed for software developers, system architects, computer science students, embedded systems engineers, IT professionals, and those transitioning into development roles. Through theoretical insights and practical activities, participants gain the skills needed to excel in various IT domains.


Programme Modules



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Our past participants come from these companies

We worked with industry leaders around the globe, from small to MNCs

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RM 6500.00 /Seat

Timmins May Training Offers

Maximize learning with industry experts in immersive classroom settings

Consistently rated 4 stars and above by satisfied participants

I like how the training conducted as a live demo of the program and how to practice it.

Tan Chee Seng, Coraza Systems Malaysia

The Trainer is Good and Clear. English easy to understand.

Anthony Chuah

How to use the function and manipulate raw data

Mohd Firdaus bin Ibrahim

Instructor was very patient and willing to answer questions, and took initiative to pause and allow for questions

Fong Hui Chi

Enroll me today! I want to avail the discounts

Don't forget, the early bird discount is only applicable until May 6th, 2024. Afterward, an additional RM 300 will be charged.

I still have some questions and I'd like to speak!

Feel free to contact us to address any questions or concerns you may have.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register for this HRDC Claimable Power BI Training?

Find download Registration Form button in this webpage, click and download the registration form, follow the steps provided in the form. Feel free to contact us for any questions.

Who is eligible for this HRDC training?

Feel free to consult your HR team to determine eligibility. We're here to collaborate with your HR department.

Can I get a discount for this HRDC Power BI training program?

Yes, We offer early bird and group discounts, please refer the above sections for more information.

Can you provide examples of companies or industries you have provided training for in Malaysia?

We've provided services to semiconductor, banking, software, oil and gas, insurance, manufacturing, and other sectors. Additionally, our courses have been offered in twelve countries

Do you offer online or virtual training options for remote teams?

Certainly, we offer remote participation options for teams. Please contact us, and we can arrange for your participants to join remotely. Please note that face-to-face live classes cannot accommodate remote participants due to technical constraints.

Can I get early bird and group discount together for this HRDC claimable Microsoft Power BI course?

You can only utilize one discount.

Are your training programs customizable to suit our company's specific needs?

Typically, public class course outlines are predefined. Nonetheless, the trainer may address select out-of-scope questions if time allows.

How can I pay for this training?

If your company is covering the cost, you can use either HRDC claim or a Purchase Order. Individual payments must be made in advance, one week prior to the training start date. Bank account details are provided in the registration form. For further assistance, please contact us at 01116674727.

Can you provide references or testimonials from past clients in Malaysia?

Certainly, we can furnish testimonials and feedback for the specified course upon request

Is snacks and lunch included in the training cost?

We offer two 15-minute snack breaks and a one-hour lunch break during the training session. Snacks and lunch are provided, along with coffee, tea, water, and biscuits available throughout the day.