Android Jetpack Compose
An Android Jetpack Compose course is a learning program that aims to teach developers how to use the Jetpack Compose toolkit to create beautiful and modern user interfaces for Android apps. The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Compose, from basic concepts to advanced techniques, and to help developers build their skills and confidence in developing UIs with Compose. We use hands-on coding exercises, projects, and quizzes to help learners solidify their understanding of the concepts and techniques covered. Overall, an Android Jetpack Compose course is a valuable resource for developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies for building modern and engaging Android app user interfaces.
Course Objectives
• provide a solid foundation of Compose concepts, such as the programming model, composable functions, state management, and UI components.
• provide hands-on coding exercises, projects, and quizzes that allow developers to practice using Compose in real-world scenarios.
• provide guidance on best practices for developing Compose-based UIs.
• Overall, the objective of an Android Jetpack Compose course is to equip developers with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop modern and engaging user interfaces using Compose.
Duration: 4 days
Kotlin Language Knowledge
Basic Android SDK Knowledge
1. Introduction to Declarative Approach and Jetpack Compose
1.1. Composable Functions
1.2. Looking at the Android view system
1.3. Moving from components to composable functions
1.4. Examining architectural aspects
2. Setting up Compose in Android Studio
3. Basics of UI Development
3.1. Rows, columns, and basic sizing
3.2. Modifiers
3.3. Styling text, colors
3.4. Theme
3.5. Textfields, buttons & show snackbars
4. State management in Compose
4.1. Understanding stateful and stateless composable functions
4.2. Hoisting state and passing events
4.3. Surviving configuration changes
5. Lists
5.1. Dynamic Lists
5.2. Lazycolumns
5.3. Multi-select Lazycolumn
6. Migrate XML layout to compose layout and vice versus
7. Navigation in Compose
7.1. Jetpack Navigation in Compose
7.2. Making navigation dynamic
7.3. Adding back navigation
8. Compose effect handlers
9. Compose animation
9.1. Animated circular progress
10. Responsive UI
10.1. Support all screen sizes in Jetpack Compose using LocalConfiguration
11. Migrate the Figma design to compose
12. Implement pagination
13. Search View
14. Fragment Jetpack Compose